Post Office Box 1527 Red Lodge, MT 59068
(406) 425 - 2031 www.maggyhiltner.com
Born 1975, Vineland, NJ
BFA, Syracuse University, 1997
Studio Assistant, Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, 1998
2025 Floraviscera, LUX Center for the Arts, Lincoln, NE
2024 Maggy Rozycki Hiltner/Superfun(d) & Installation, Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art, Great Falls, MT
2023 Vantage Point, Lawton Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, WI
2022 Vantage Point, Robert and Gennie DeWeese Gallery, Bozeman, MT
2021 Beyond Intention: Cast of Characters, Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art, Great Falls, MT
2020 Maggy Rozycki Hiltner, Reuben Saunders Gallery, Wichita, KS
Vantage Point, Amelia Center Gallery, Gulf Coast State College, Panama City, FL
2019 Vantage Point, Robert Hillestad Textiles Gallery, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
What Lies Beneath, Emerson Center for Arts and Culture, Bozeman, MT
Vantage Point, Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT
2018 Vantage Point, San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles, San Jose, CA
Not Quite Sew, Ruth Funk Center for Textile Art, Melbourne, FL
2017 Vantage Point, BNY Satellite Gallery, Contemporary Craft, Pittsburg, PA
What Lies Beneath, Missoula Art Museum, Missoula, MT
2016 Vantage Point, Lawrence Arts Center, Lawrence, KS
2015 Vantage Point, Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, MT
Vantage Point, Mesa Contemporary Art Museum, Mesa, AZ
2013 Camp, tart Gallery, Bozeman, MT
Maggy Rozycki Hiltner, Gallery of Visual Arts, University of Montana, Missoula, MT
2011 Summer Providence, tart, Bozeman, MT
2010 Cruel Truths & Kind Lies, Toucan Gallery, Billings, MT
2009 Maggy Rozycki Hiltner/ Familiar Faces, Tinlark Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2008 The Seditious Stitch, Maggy Rozycki Hiltner, The Center, Hailey, ID
2007 One Way Or The Other, Steckline Gallery, Newman University, Wichita, KS
2005 Maggy Rozycki Hiltner, Urban Institute for Contemporary Art, Grand Rapids, MI
Sweet and Strange Narratives, Earle Wright Gallery, Cowley College, Ark City, KS
2004 Domestic Plastic, Friendship Gallery, McPherson College, McPherson, KS
Subversive Stitches, Western Illinois University Art Gallery, Macomb, IL
2003 Domestic Plastic, Steckline Gallery, Newman University, Wichita, KS
2002 Maggy Rozycki Hiltner, Trish Higgins Fine Art, Wichita, KS
2001 Nine-Patch, Clayton Staples Gallery, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS
1999 Maggy Rozycki Hiltner/Mixed Media Textiles, The Wellness Center, Billings, MT
1998 Few, Some, Many: Stitched Imagery and Sculpture, Northwest Gallery, Powell, WY
1997 Symbols and Vestments: BFA thesis exhibition, Westcott Community Center, Syracuse, NY
2025 Á La Mode: The Language of Fashion in Art, MarkArts, Wichita, KS
Broad Spectrum: Abundant Palette, Carbon County Arts Guild, Red Lodge, MT (touring)
2024 Philadelphia Museum of Art Contemporary Craft Show: SAQA Booth, Convention Center, Philadelphia, PA
Mountain Plains Contemporary Art Biennial, Salina Art Center, Salina, KS
Evolutions 2024, Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum, Golden, CO
Broad Spectrum: Abundant Palette, Carle Gallery – Butte Silver-Bow Public Library, Butte, MT (touring)
Reformations, (With Jane Waggoner Deschner), Kirks' Grocery, Billings, MT
Co-Flourish, Open AIR, Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT (touring)
Pieced Together, Reuben Saunders Gallery, Wichita, KS
2023 Forecast/Recast, SDA Juried Members’ Exhibition, Chelehem Cultural Center, Newberg, OR
Broad Spectrum: Abundant Palette, Davis Gallery, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID (touring)
Degrees of Commitment: Climate, Ecosystems, and Society, Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
Eye of the Beholder: Art of the Found Object, Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, MD
Lonesome: Hank Williams’ 100th, Lawrence Arts Center, Lawrence, KS
Skull & Skeleton in Art VIII, Lakeland Community College, Kirkland, OH
Rooted in History, ArtMobile of Montana (touring)
2022 Co-Flourish/FlourishLab, Open AIR, Missoula, MT (touring)
Radical Regeneration, San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles, San Jose, CA
Alternative Fiber, LHUCA Center for the Arts, Lubbock, TX
Form, Not Function: Quilt Art at the Carnegie, Carnegie Center for Art & History, New Albany, IN
Trespasses (Maggy Hiltner and Shalene Valenzuela), Radius Gallery, Missoula, MT
New Acquisition Highlights, Paris Gibson Museum of Art, Great Falls, MT
Broad Spectrum, Paris Gibson Museum of Art, Great Falls, MT (touring)
2021 Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss, Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT
Forms in Fiber, Bigfork Art & Cultural Center, Bigfork, MT
Resistance and Reimagination: Gender, Change, and the Arts, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI (virtual conference)
2020 Hindsight Is 2020, Emerge Gallery & Art Center, Greenville, NC
Broad Spectrum 2020, Northcutt Steele Gallery, Montana State University, Billings, MT
Red!, Webster Arts Center, Webster Groves, MO (virtual)
Quarantine, Amelia Center Gallery, Gulf Coast State College, Panama City, FL
North x Northwest Biennial: Women’s Work, Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, MT
Aloft, SAQA Global Exhibition, Long Beach, CA
2019 Comix, Valley Art Center, Chagrin Falls, OH
Small Works: SDA Member Show, Contemporary Art Projects, Webster University, St. Louis, MO
North X Northwest, Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, MT
Form, Not Function: Quilt Art at the Carnegie, Carnegie Center for Art & History, New Albany, IN
Fiberart International, Contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh, PA
Conceptual Realism, SAGE Community Arts, Sheridan, WY
2018 Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate, Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT
Reinterpretation as Resistance, SJSU Art Galleries, San Jose, CA
Transformation 10: Contemporary Works in Found Materials, Contemporary Craft, Pittsburgh, PA
Making Change: The Art and Craft of Activism, Museum of Design Atlanta, Atlanta, GA
Montana Found, Radius Gallery, Missoula, MT
Salina Biennial: Contemporary Art from the Mountain-Plains Region, Salina Art Center, Salina, KS
2017 Subversive/Domestic, Shenandoah Valley Art Center, Waynesboro, VA
Small Works: SDA at 40, Oregon College of Art and Craft, Portland, OR
Art of Time, National Watch and Clock Museum, Columbia, PA
Hindsight: Four Alumni, SUArt Galleries, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
txt me, Alice C. Sabatini Gallery, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, Topeka, KS
2016 Uncommon Threads: A Celebration of Fiber Arts, Bigfork Art & Cultural Center, Bigfork, MT
Social Justice: It Happens to One, It Happens to All, St. Mary's College Museum of Art, Morago, CA
Summer Invitational, Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art, Kansas City, MO
Fool’s Paradise, Turman Larison Contemporary, Helena, MT
Complex: The Art in Mixed Media, Embroiderer’s Guild of America Headquarters, Louisville, KY
Notions: New Work by Maggy Rozycki Hiltner and Shalene Valenzuela, tart Gallery, Bozeman, MT
2015 Visaural: Sight, Sound and Action, Nave Annex Gallery, Somerville, MA
Extreme Fibers: Textile Icons and New Edge, Muskegon Museum of Art, Muskegon, MI
Extreme Fibers: Textile Icons and New Edge, The Dennos Museum Center, Traverse City, MI
Re:MEMBERS, Kansas City Artists Coalition, Kansas City, MO
A Common Thread, San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles, San Jose, CA
2014 Quilt Visions 2014: The Sky’s the Limit, Visions Art Museum, San Diego, CA
Focus: Fiber 2014, Erie Art Museum, Erie, PA
Art We Use, Dairy Barn Arts Center, Athens, OH
2013 Sweet Corn Suckers & Hot Honey Bears, with David Hiltner, Turman Larison Contemporary, Helena, MT
The Connective Thread: Wearable to Sculptural Fibers, Gandee Gallery, Fabius, NY
2012 BAM Biennial 2012: High Fiber Diet, Bellevue Arts Museum, Bellevue, WA
Diamond Leaves: Artist Books from around the World, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
Material Matters, Peerless Gallery and Worksite, Omaha, NE
“And then…,” with Pattie Chalmers and Gerit Grimm, Lillstreet Art Center, Chicago, IL
In Stitches, Long Island Beach Foundation of the Arts, Loveladies, NJ
2011 Green: the Color and the Cause, The Textile Museum, Washington, DC
Play, The Textile Center, New York, NY
Rocky Mountain Textile Invitational, Nicolaysen Museum, Casper, WY
Girls, Girls, Girls, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, New York, NY
2010 Mom, Turman Larison Contemporary, Helena, MT
Stitch: Modern Embroidery, Haydon Art Center, Lincoln, NE
(in conjunction with the Textile Society of America 12th Biennial Symposium
"Textiles and Settlement: From Plains Space to Cyber Space")
Out of the Wild, with Kate Durkin and Abby Glassenberg, Art Star, Philadelphia, PA
More Than Fiber, GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, Reading, PA
Three X Ten, Tinlark Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2009 Generously Odd: Craft Now, Lexington Art League, Lexington, KY
XX/4, Fisch Haus Invitational, Fisch Haus, Wichita, KS
Social(Virus), NURTUREart Gallery, New York, NY
It’s just like I’ve always been there, My House Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Raised in Craftivity, Wignall Museum, Chaffey College, Rancho Cucamonga, CA
2008 Paper Jam, My House Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
Figuratively Speaking, Visions Art Quilt Gallery, San Diego, CA
Time Flies, Tinlark Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2007 Traditional Skills, New Thinking, Bury St Edmunds Art Gallery, Suffolk, England
Raised in Craftivity, Greenlease Gallery, Rockhurst University, Kansas City, MO
Modern Fables, Tinlark Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
Gender Stitchery, Carleton College Art Gallery, Northfield, MN
Sugar Buzz, Lehman College Art Gallery, New York, NY
Pins and Needles, with Melissa Haviland, Lederer Gallery, SUNY Geneseo, Geneseo, NY
Back to the Fifties, Heidi Cho Gallery, New York, NY
2006 New Embroidery, Contemporary Crafts Museum and Gallery, Portland, OR
Embroidered Stories/Knitted Tales, Bedford Gallery, Lesher Center for the Arts, Walnut Creek, CA
Art In Textiles/ 3 Perspectives, shack up, Bozeman, MT
Summertime, Judy Saslow Gallery, Chicago, IL
Needle Culture, Coconino Center for the Arts, Flagstaff, AZ
The Family Experience, Museum of Fine Arts, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
2005 The Subversive Stitch, Reynolds Gallery, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA
Extra/ordinary: fiber artists rethinking art…, The Cube at Beco, Kansas City, MO
Surfaced, Byron C. Cohen Gallery, Kansas City, MO
Constants & Variables, Lynn Foundation Gallery, Kansas City, MO
2004 Cross-Stitch: Craft Redefined, The Bank/Urban Culture Project, Kansas City, MO
birdsandfish, CityArts, Wichita, KS
River Market Regional Exhibition, Kansas City Artists Coalition, Kansas City, MO
New Directions in Fiber, CORE New Art Space, Denver, CO
2003 Short Stories, Byron C. Cohen Gallery, Kansas City, MO
Fiber Focus 2003, Art Saint Louis, St. Louis, MO
Taking Shape: 10 Artists Reveal Their Processes, Salina Art Center, Salina, KS
2002 Gone Wrong, CityArts, Wichita, KS
The Yellow Line, The Art Corridor, Tarrant County College, Arlington, TX
6th Annual Juried Art Exhibition, CityArts, Wichita, KS
Fiber Arts 2002, Gallery 510, Decatur, IL
Small Expressions 2002, Pendulum Gallery, Vancouver, BC, Canada
2001 Kansas Artist Craftsman Invitational, Delmar Riney Gallery, Pratt, KS
Director’s Show 2001, CityArts, Wichita, KS
32nd Smoky Hill Exhibition, Hays Arts Center, Hays, KS
Fiber Directions 2001, Wichita Center for the Arts, Wichita, KS
2000 CRAFTFORMS 2000, Wayne Art Center, Wayne, PA
Fiber & Textile Exhibit, Crossman Gallery, UW-Whitewater, Whitewater, WI
Natürlich, Trish Higgins Fine Art, Wichita, KS
Transfusion, ACME Gallery, Wichita, KS
1999 Small Works, ACME Gallery, Wichita, KS
USA Craft Today 99, Silvermine Guild Arts Center, New Canaan, CT
1998 Arrowmont Summer Assistants Exhibition, Arrowmont School, Gatlinburg, TN
Feats of Clay XI, Lincoln Arts, Lincoln, CA
Seeing Red, Hera Gallery, Wakefield, RI
Women, Art, Change, Westcott Community Center, Syracuse, NY
1997 Hunger, ArtSpace/Lima Center for the Visual Arts, Lima, OH
Monarch National Ceramic Competition, Kennedy-Douglass Center for the Arts, Florence, AL
rhymerhythmritual, Women's Information Center, Syracuse, NY
The Bed Show, The Drawing Room, Syracuse, NY
1996 Stitchery at Syracuse, Central New York Embroidery Guild, Liverpool, NY
Inspired By Nature, Thousand Islands Craft School, Clayton, NY
Healing Works, Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, IL
Blueroom, Installation with Jenny Kanzler and Elise Kendrot, The Drawing Room, Syracuse, NY
1995 White Swelling, Installation with Jenny Kanzler, The Drawing Room, Syracuse, NY
Undergrad Abrasive Show, Coyne Gallery, Syracuse, NY
Dimension Dementia, Printmaking Council Gallery, Somerville, NJ
2024 Jake Iverson. “Pair of artists are showcasing hair-raising art...”Billings Gazette, (Feb 23)
Martha Sielman, Stitched Journeys with Birds, Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, (Aug 2023)
2023 David Bates. “Newberg show by SDA obliterates old notions about fiber arts” Oregon Arts Watch, (Jan 17)
2022 Addie Mahmassani. “Radical Regeneration Exhibit…” Metro Silicon Valley, (July 19)
Kenneth L. Woods. “Form, Not Function: Quilt Art at the Carnegie” Ruckus Journal, (July 8)
Staff Writer. : Billings Art Collective MIXX returning…” Billings Gazette, (June 1)
Cory Walsh. “Trespasses: Artists playing tricks with materials,” Missoulian, (Mar 11)
Jessica Salinas-MTN, New exhibit at Paris Gibson Square…, KRTV. (Oct 4)
2021 Julie Chor & Katie Watson, Reproductive Ethics in Clinical Practice, (cover image), Oxford: Oxford U. Press, July 2021
Anna Paige. "’Extraction’ Exhibit digs into industry practices…” Billings Gazette (Sept 10)
Marga Lincoln. “Opening salvo- Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss…” Independent Record, (Aug 5)
2020 Excellence in Fiber VI, Fiber Art Now, Winter 2020
Bobbi R. Baugh, Fresh Fish: Textile Artists and Poets explore underwater life, Hebron, CT: KDP Publishing, December 2020
Devotion: Sewing the Sacred Exhibition in Print, Surface Design Journal, Fall 2020
Tony Simmons. "Sewing a 'Vantage Point' for the world" Panama City News Herald (Feb 25)
Anna Paige. "Fabric artist Maggy Hiltner pokes through quilting stereotypes" Billings Gazette (Jan 17)
2019 L. Kent Wolgamott. “Embroidered cloth panel installation...takes smart look at environmental destruction.” Lincoln Journal Star, (Oct 31)
Allyssa Gutierrez. “Artist displays alarming environmental trends…” The Daily Nebraskan, (Oct 8)
Ryan Berry. “Inaugural North X Northwest to showcase…” Billings Gazette, (Sept 12)
Staff Writer, “Enjoy Guide” Billings Gazette, (June 12)
Jo Anne Triplett. Form Not Function: Quilt Art at the Carnegie” LEO Weekly, (May 22)
Jeremy Chisenhall. “…‘Form, Not Function’ exhibit highlights innovation in quiltmaking” Insider Louisville, (May 2)
Rachel Hergett. “…Hiltner pushing boundaries of folk art.” Bozeman Daily Chronicle, (Feb 8)
Marga Lincoln. “Helena’s Holter Museum of Art to feature 2 new shows.” Independent Record, (Jan 10)
2018 Excellence in Fiber IV, Fiber Art Now, Winter 2018/2019
Art Beat. “ Speaking Volumes: Helena exhibit challenges bigotry,” Lively Times, (Oct 30)
Ellen Fischer. “A wrinkle of irony….” Melbourne Beach Insider, Issue 27 (July 5) pp 11-12
Cory Walsh. “In ‘Montana Found’, objects are imbued with new meanings.” Missoulian, (Mar 8)
2017 Danielle M. Antonetti, “What Lies Beneath,” Missoula Valley Lifestyle, (July), pp 24-30
Erika Frederickson. “…reconstitutes the symbols of American quilting.” Missoula Independent, (May 25)
Corey Walsh. “Sharp Message, Soft Material.” Missoulian, (Jun 16)
2016 Shirley Kay Wolfersperger. "Complex: The Art in Mixed Media." Needlearts, Vol 47, # 3, June 2016
2015 Jaci Webb."Billings, Red Lodge artists among state innovation award winners." Billings Gazette, (Dec 21)
Kristi Niemeyer. "Congrats to..." Montana Arts Council State of the Arts, July/Aug 2015, p3
Jaci Webb. “Red Lodge artist Hiltner is new Artist-in Residence at YAM’s Visible Vault. “Billings Gazette, (Sept 10)
Nic Wiesinger. “Vantage Point at Mesa Arts Center.” The Arts Beacon, June 19
Staff Writer. “Providence.” (image) Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot, Issue 182, Spring 2015, p 51
2014 Cassie. Bielecki. “Museum exhibits art you can feel.” The Gannon Knight, (Nov 5)
2013 Junko Yazaki. Stitch Show, Tokyo, Japan: BNN international, July 2013
Staff Writer. “Two Fiber Art Exhibits at UM.” The Missoulan, (March 8)
Sharie Pyke. “Art Auction 45…What Artists Say.” The Billings Outpost, (Feb 28)
2012 The Armchair Traveler. “Object of Affection.” Interview, October 2012
Alexis M. Adams. “Textile Twist.” Big Sky Journal, (Arts 2012) pp 120-125
Sally Deskins. “Well-crafted Collaboration.” The Reader, Omaha, (May 27)
Victoria Lassonde. “Fiber Art Looms Large....” The Sandpaper, May 24
Brigitte Martin. Humor in Craft. Essay by Jill Foote-Hutton. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, April 2012
2011 Alexis M. Adams. “Maggy Rozycki Hiltner.” Yellowstone Valley Woman, (Dec/Jan) pp 34-37
Janet Koplos. “The Meaning of Green.” American Craft, (Aug/Sept) pp 26-27
Susan Stamberg. “Celebrating Green: As Color, As Concept, As Cause.” NPR, (April 20)
“Green: the Color and the Cause.” Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot, Issue 166 Volume XLII No.2, Spring 2011
2010 Joetta Maue. “Future Heirlooms.” Mr. X Stitch: Contemporary Embroidery & Needlecraft blog, (Dec 3)
Mollie Baker. “Maggy Rozycki Hiltner: Double Take.” Fiberarts, (Sept/Oct) p 72
Jaci Webb. “Fiber Artist puts new spin on homespun.” Billings Gazette, (Feb 12)
2009 Ashley McLean Emenegger. "Season Openers-Editors' Picks.” THE magazine, (Sept)
Stacy Davies. “Macrame Made Hip.” Inland Empire Weekly, (Mar 6)
2008 Rachel Abrahamson. "Dreamweavers, The substance of textile arts." Boise Weekly, (Apr 2)
Karen Bossick. "One Way or the Other - a unique look at nostalgia." The Wood River Journal, (Feb 19)
Laura Caruso. "Maggy Rozycki Hiltner at The Center, Hailey." SunValleyonline, (Feb 15)
2007 Martha Schwendener. “Sugar Buzz.” The New York Times, (May 11)
Prudence F. Roberts. “New Embroidery: Not Your Grandma’s Doily.” Selvedge, Issue 14
Bean Gilsdorf. “New Embroidery: Not Your Grandma’s Doily.” Fiberarts, (Jan/Feb) pp 60, 61
2006 Robert Taylor. “Yarn art gets a modern makeover at Bedford.” ContraCostra Times, (Sept 28)
Natasha Boas. “Modern Landscapes.” domino, (September) pp 66–69
Jessica Hemmings. “Child’s Play.” embroidery, (March/April) pp 16-19
2005 Liz Good. “Under the Surface.” Fiberarts, (September/October) p 80
Rebecca Braverman. “Extra/Ordinary: Fiber Artists Rethinking Art and Everyday Life.” The Pitch, (June 9)
Blair Shulman. “Future Stitch.” Review, (March) p 46
2004 Theresa Bembnister and Gina Kaufman. “Cross Stitch, Craft Medium Redefined.” The Pitch, (Nov 5)
Robin Trafton. “Midwest Visions.” The Kansas City Star, (July 30) p 31
Jonathan Hicks. “A Stitch in Time.” The Western Courier, (April 8)
Fiberarts Design Book 7, Asheville, NC: Lark Books, Spring 2004
Maria Buszek. “Riddles of the Self.” Review, (February) p 57
2003 Kate Hackman. “Pop culture inspires ‘Stories’ exhibit.” The Kansas City Star, (Dec 12) p 21
Chris Shull. “Maid in Wichita.” The Wichita Eagle, (Jan 24) p 24C
Nancy Hull. “The Process of Art.” The Salina Journal, (Jan 17) pp 1,7D
2002 Staff Writer. “Maggy Rozycki Hiltner.” Portfolio, American Craft, (Dec/Jan) p 62
2001 Lori Linenberger and Chris Shull. “Ornamental Art.” The Wichita Eagle, (Dec 16) p 1, 2E
Linda Gebert. “KACA Fall Conference Pratt Community College.” KACA Craftsletter, Fall 2001
Chris Shull. “A Stitch In Time.” The Wichita Eagle, (Feb. 4) p 8D
2000 Victoria Donohoe. “Three area venues host national exhibits.”Philadelphia Inquirer, (Dec. 31) p 1
Marie Fowler. “CraftForms 2000 honors local artists in Wayne.” Arcade, (Dec. 7)
1999 Michael Carmichael. “The Road to Art.” Veranda, (May-June) p 132
1998 Staff Writer. “Fabric Art on Display at Northwest Gallery.” Northwest Trail, (Nov. 12) p 8
Staff Writer. “Fiber Art on Display in Powell.” The Billings Gazette, (Nov.6) p 12D
Staff Writer. “Hands-on Experience.”(image) The Mountain Press, (July 14) p A9
1997 Sally Vallongo. “Probing Hunger Through Art.” The Blade: Toledo, Ohio, (Nov. 5) pp 37, 39
2023 Honorable Mention, Degrees of Commitment: Climate, Ecosystems, and Society,
Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
2022 Honorable Mention, Form, Not Function: Quilt Art at the Carnegie, New Albany, IN
2021 Panelist, Textile Talk, Textile Narratives, presented by Surface Design Association, online
Panelist, Deploying Art-based Activist Strategies to Address Environmental Justice Issues
4W Initiative and UW System Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium Conference, online
2020 Excellence in Fibers VI, Fiber Art Now, Winter 2020
Panelist, Textile Talk, 25 Million Stitches, presented by Surface Design Association, online
Presenter, Every Stitch Counts, Count Every Stitch, SAQA Conference: MoSAiQA, online
Juror's Choice, North x Northwest Biennial: Women’s Work, Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, MT
Juried Artist Member, Studio Art Quilt Associates
2019 Honorable Mention, Form, Not Function: Quilt Art at the Carnegie, Carnegie Center for Art & History, New Albany, IN
2017 Finalist, Elizabeth R. Raphael Founder’s Prize, Contemporary Craft, Pittsburg, PA
Montana Arts Council Strategic Investment Grant
2015 Montana Arts Council Artist’s Innovation Award, Visual Arts
Artist-In-Residence, Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, MT
Presenter, 10 x 10 x 20: Socially Engaged Work, SDA Made/Aware Intensive
2014 Jurors Choice: Honorable Mention, Art We Use, Dairy Barn Arts Center, Athens, OH
2001 Juror’s Choice: Honorable Mention, Director’s Show 2001, CityArts, Wichita, KS
Juror’s Merit Recognition, 32nd Smoky Hill Exhibition, Hays Arts Center, Hays, KS
Presenter, Kansas Artist Craftsman Association Conference, Pratt, KS
2000 Honorable Mention, Fiber & Textile Exhibit, Crossman Gallery, U. of Wisconsin, Whitewater, WI
Embroiderer’s Guild of America
Fiber Art Network
Studio Art Quilt Association Juried Artist Member, Regional Representative for MT & ID 2019-2022, Exhibitions Coordinator for MT & ID
Surface Design Association
Appleton Museum of Art, Ocala, FL
Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT
Missoula Art Museum, Missoula, MT
Muskegon Museum of Art, Muskegon, MI
National Watch and Clock Museum, Columbia, PA
Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art, Great Falls, MT
San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles, San Jose, CA
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital, Iowa City, IA
Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, MT